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Human Tech - V Bully Ways To Document Students Mobile Learning

There are genuinely v ways for teachers to document students mobile learning :

1- Blogging

This is the most pertinent agency to advocate to your students. Encourage them to purpose i of the mobile blogging platforms below. Make certain y'all speak to them  about the benefits of blogging inwards  learning. More practically, y'all tin forcefulness out purpose your iPad or smart telephone to demo them how to install a blogging app too how to outset writing a post service too lay out it.
Here are some blogging platforms to outset with

2- Video Blogging

Just similar blogging, students tin forcefulness out purpose dissimilar video making apps to exercise videos too tutorials on what they learned too hence part them inwards the classroom blog. They tin forcefulness out besides telephone substitution videos too peer-edit each other, leaving comments too constructive criticism on each others videos.

3- Photo blogging

Photos speak a K words or louder than words. Introduce your students to some photograph taking apps that they tin forcefulness out purpose on their mobile devices  to capture the learning every bit it is unfolding. This is a keen agency to document what they learned inwards a plain trip, or a take in to a museum, ...etc

4- Audio blogging

There is besides the possibility of creating podcast and well clips to part inwards the classroom blogs. Students purpose i of the apps below to tape a learning experiment, event, slice of news, a narrative...etc too part it amongst the residue of the class.

5- Note Taking

There are immediately several apps that students tin forcefulness out purpose to capture their thoughts too jot downwardly notes to part amongst the class. Here are some titles :