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Human Tech - This Is How To Insert Images Into Google Spreadsheets

A brace of months agone I posted hither inward a detailed visual take away on how to insert images into Google forms as well as today I am sharing alongside you lot a practical tip on how to insert images inward Google Spreadsheets. I learned close this tip from Google Guru.

For those of you lot who are already familiar alongside the features of Google Spreadsheets, you lot in all likelihood already know that to insert an picture you lot take away to usage insert picture bill of fare option, simply this genuinely does non piece of occupation the agency nosotros desire it. It normally does non house the picture within the prison theatre cellular telephone as well as it solely puts it on live yesteryear of the spreadsheet.

To insert i or a brace of images into a prison theatre cellular telephone inward a spreadsheet you lot take away to usage the =IMAGE Spreadsheet function. I invite you lot to scout the video below to larn how to produce this. Enjoy