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Human Tech - Five First-Class Tools For Creating Academic Portfolios

1- Weebly

This is a platform like to Google Sites where yous tin easily laid upward a classroom website for free. You tin also operate it to exercise your portfolio. Use the pages department to host it . You tin embed inwards it images, videos, texts, graphs, infographics ...and many more.

2- Portfolio Gen

Portfoliogen is a FREE online service for teachers to exercise their ain customized portfolio webpage. Registered users have their ain URL spider web address allowing them to portion their credentials amongst prospective employers, principals, professors in addition to peers.

3- Dropr

Dropr allows yous to exercise in addition to browse beautiful portfolios from music to art, photography to impress in addition to connects yous to the worlds most creative community.
4- Pathbrite

This is an awesome tool that allows users to exercise academic portfolios. These portfolios tin comprise information stored on your computer, materials imported from social media networks...and many more.

5- Google Sites

Google Sites is or in addition to therefore other great platform for creating in addition to hosting your digital portfolios. Check out this direct to acquire to a greater extent than almost it.