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Human Tech - Cracking Novel Features Inwards Google Hangout App

Two days agone Google released a novel update to its Hangout iOS app making it hence a real powerful app that tin comfortably stand upwards against Skype app. This publish comes amid a moving ridge of novel releases Google has lately announced too which bring all come upwards amongst added productivity features every bit is the representative amongst Google Presentation, Spreadsheets, Docs, too Forms.

So hither is what interests us inwards this novel update of Hangout iOS App :

  • You tin instantly brand too have Google Voice calls
  • You tin brand gratis calls inside USA too Canada too correct from your Hangout app
  • It instantly supports animated GIFs
  • The novel update made it possible for users to know who amid their friends is using Hangout too who is available online.
  • Now whenever y'all have a novel message, the music playing volition solely interruption momentarily instead of stopping completely every bit was the representative earlier the update.

The concluding affair to hollo nigh this novel update is that it is compatible amongst iOS devices running iOS6.0 or later. And of course of teaching Hangout app is  completely free.