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Human Tech - Four Practiced Visual Dictionaries For Teachers Together With Students

Visual cues are bully learning tools particularly when it comes to learning novel vocabulary terms. Students notice it much to a greater extent than easier to grasp the novel semantic concepts through their visual representations. In this regard nosotros convey compiled this curt listing featuring iv interesting visual dictionaries to purpose amongst your students inward class.

1- Snappy Words

It’s an online interactive English linguistic communication lexicon in addition to thesaurus that helps you lot notice the meanings of words in addition to depict connections to associated words. You tin easily run into the pregnant of each yesteryear exactly placing the mouse cursor over it.

Visuwords™ online graphical lexicon — Look upward words to notice their meanings in addition to associations amongst other words in addition to concepts.

From the icon to the give-and-take in addition to its definition, the Visual Dictionary Online is an all-in-one reference. Search the themes to chop-chop locate words, or notice the pregnant of a give-and-take yesteryear viewing the icon it represents. What’s more, theVisual Dictionary Online helps you lot larn English linguistic communication inward a visual in addition to accessible way. The Visual Dictionary Online is ideal for teachers, parents, translators in addition to students of all science levels.

This is a Chrome extension that looks upward the highlighted words in addition to displays the closest matching icon inward a popup bubble.