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Human Tech - The Mutual Heart Lesson Planner For Ipad Too Android

The Common Core Lesson Planner is a must accept app for teachers who desire to employ their Droid and/or iPad tablet into their daily routine.The Common Core Lesson Planner was created past times a instructor for teachers to assistance brand planning together with assessing amongst the Common Core Standards to a greater extent than effective together with efficient.

Features that accept been developed are novel ways for educators:
- to programme their days using Voice Recognition, ( no to a greater extent than writing,just verbalize your content into the app - Droid Only)
- stance the Common Core standards they accept taught together with how oft they accept taught them throughout the year,
- to rapidly marking standards piece beingness mobile inwards the classroom amongst tablet inwards mitt
- to overall pick out Education to a novel aeroplane using meliorate functional together with accountable didactics practices.

Your Daily Lesson Plans At Your Fingertips

Never 1 time to a greater extent than endeavor to filter through chicken scratch mitt writing or write super small-scale to gibe inwards your lesson content into the tiny boxes. Type or verbalize your lesson (speaking is Droid only) plans into the application, together with demeanor them to a greater extent than or less your classroom amongst relaxation on your iPad or Droid tablet.

One Touch Standards Based Grading

After selecting your standards for the twenty-four hours that you lot are teaching, select the Assess button. Type inwards the details of your assessment. .i.e. .. "Students volition read 10 multi-syllable words." Then walk to a greater extent than or less the room together with rapidly assess students past times touching Red, Yellow, Green, together with Blue for Minimal, Basic, Proficient, together with Advanced. Stars adjacent to the measure demo a shape average of that assessment.

View Students Progress Per Standard

When it comes to study bill of fare time, zilch is worse than to pass hours sorting through scores together with proficiency levels that were taught during the quarter. The CCLP app makes it slow to stance every pupil together with how good they accept done on each measure over the final 10 assessments. Report cards volition never survive quicker.

The Standards together with Standard Count In Plain View

Have you lot e'er wondered if you lot accept hitting a Common Core State Standard plenty times? Utilize the "Standards" tab to stance the standards of the degree levels you lot learn likewise equally scan how many times you lot accept seat the measure into your lesson plans throughout the year.

Paper or PDF?

Sometimes you lot require to impress plans for a substitute, or for a dorsum folder. The CCLP App allows you lot to seat inwards whatever email, select the week, together with send/share a PDF of your weekly plans. Your plans volition display the days of the week, the classes you lot teach, your lesson objective, lesson content, together with the standards inwards a really readable format.

Available on the Apple Store at


Available on Googe Play at
