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Human Tech - Iii Expert Novel Features From Knowmia For Teachers

 Knowmia,  which is a website together with an iPad app for creating, sharing, together with viewing video lessonshas lately shared amongst us these three features that mightiness hold upwards of closed to involvement to teachers together with educators especially inward the starting fourth dimension of this novel schoolhouse year.

1- Showcase a Teacher Profile

Teachers tin practise a profile together with endorse other Knowmia teachers. Profiles volition hold upwards used to depict y'all to all students together with other teachers who are using Knowmia. It’s besides a agency for the Knowmia community to encounter all of the swell lessons teachers accept created. Click hither to larn more: http://www.knowmia.com/blog/?p=299

2- Build Interactive Assignments

Teachers tin purpose the Assignment Wizard to practise assignments that include video lessons, slides together with questions for your students. Most importantly, they tin monitor your students’ progress inward real-time, assess comprehension together with render them amongst feedback. Click hither to larn more: http://www.knowmia.com/blog/?p=145

3- Empower Students to Benefit from Our Free Tools

Students tin similar a shot purpose the costless Knowmia Teach iPad app to practise video projects together with demonstrate what they’ve learned. Student lessons are completely soul together with secure. Click hither to larn to a greater extent than close pupil content:http://www.knowmia.com/blog/?p=261

Coming soon! Students volition hold upwards able to register for an trouble organisation human relationship without an electronic mail address. Click hither to larn more:http://www.knowmia.com/blog/?p=307