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Human Tech - This Is How To Integrate Technology Scientific Discipline Inwards Your Didactics Using Samr

SAMR model has been nether the spotlight for old now. There are a lot of educators who role it equally a footing for applied scientific discipline integration inwards education. I pick out already covered this topic inwards simply about previous posts as well as pick out equally good featured several iPad apps that correlate amongst the dissimilar levels of SMAR. However, it seems similar simply about teachers haven't nonetheless come upwards to grips amongst what SAMR is all almost as well as how they tin role it inwards a  teaching surroundings to convey almost  transformational learning opportunities that  wouldn't pick out been possible without   technology.I pick out received several requests for sharing to a greater extent than resources on SAMR as well as today I got you lot a real nifty graphic that says it all on SAMR.

Please pass old going through the dissimilar levels of SAMR equally explained inwards the poster below as well as endeavor to compare them amongst your applied scientific discipline role inwards your classroom. Also, endeavor to response all the questions posed as well as at the terminate you lot volition pick out a clear film of non exclusively  how much applied scientific discipline you lot are using inwards your teaching but equally good how effective is this applied scientific discipline inwards your classroom.

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