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Where's Mountain Fuji?

Mount Fuji tin plow over the axe last seen every bit far every bit 300km away.  On the other manus at that topographic point are places only a few kilometers away from the mount where you lot can't encounter it at all. If you lot desire to ensure that you lot accept a peachy sentiment of Mount Fuji spell touring Nihon hence you lot necessitate the Visible Mount Fuji map.

The Visible Mount Fuji map shows you lot where you lot tin plow over the axe croak an uninterrupted sentiment of Japan's highest mountain. The reddish areas on the map present locations inwards Nihon where you lot tin plow over the axe encounter Mount Fuji. The map too includes distance radii which present every 100km from the mountain. If you lot honour a location on the map where you lot tin plow over the axe encounter Mount Fuji hence you lot tin plow over the axe right-click to sentiment the exact distance from that location to the mountain.

The Visible Mount Fuji map too includes a pose out of photos of the mountain. Click on a photograph mark as well as you lot tin plow over the axe sentiment the Mount Fuji photograph as well as details almost the photo. English linguistic communication speakers mightiness desire to await nether the map layers carte du jour where you lot tin plow over the axe switch the base-map to a map layer which has the place-names shown inwards English.