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Exploring Stonehenge's Prehistoric Neighbors

Stonehenge is ane of the most iconic prehistoric monuments inwards the world. Every twelvemonth it is visited past times over 1.5 1000000 people. I wonder how many of those visitors catch whatsoever of the other 300 strange Neolithic in addition to Bronze Age barrows that are inside walking distance of Stonehenge.

One means to appreciate the astonishing prehistoric landscape or in addition to then Stonehenge is past times exploring the Stonehenge Barrow Map. This Google Map shows the place of prehistoric barrows inwards the vicinity of Stonehenge. While it mightiness non live on the same equally visiting the barrows inwards soul the Google Maps aerial sentiment does laissez passer a unique perspective on these prehistoric sites in addition to reveals some features that aren't ever apparent on the ground.

The barrow markers on the map are color-coded past times how they are grouped past times Richard Colt Hoare inwards his 'The Ancient History of Wiltshire'. The map too has a search facility which allows yous to search for barrows past times mention in addition to past times other criteria, such equally what artifacts were institute inwards them. You tin uncovering out to a greater extent than close private barrows past times clicking on its mark on the map. This volition opened upwards an information window containing descriptions from 19th-century in addition to modern-day researchers. It too includes links to relevant question & websites in addition to to photographs of the artifacts discovered inwards the selected barrow.

Historic England's 2002 National Mapping Project of Stonehenge added some other 539 of import archaeological sites or in addition to then Stonehenge. About 30 per centum of the newly discovered sites were prehistoric or Roman inwards date. These included telephone ditches, champaign systems, circular barrows in addition to enclosures of diverse forms dating from prehistory.

You tin straight off explore in addition to download question reports from the Stonehenge NMP for 46 of the most of import novel historic sites discovered or in addition to then Stonehenge, The Stonehenge World Heritage Site Landscape Map allows yous to sentiment aerial imagery of these 46 NMP listed sites, acquire to a greater extent than close each site in addition to download each site's report.

All 46 sites tin live on navigated to from the map sidebar or past times clicking on the numbered markers on the map. When yous conduct a site from the sidebar or map, the map zooms to demonstrate the listed site in addition to information for the site is displayed inwards the map side panel. H5N1 link to download the private site's NMP study is too provided inwards the map side panel.