Monday's Mappa Mundi

Henricus Martellus Germanus was a High German geographer in addition to cartographer who lived in addition to worked inwards Florence from 1480 to 1496. In around 1490 Martellus created a globe map. The Martellus globe map is said to convey been an inspiration for the Waldseemüller map of 1507.
The only surviving re-create of the Martellus Map was establish inwards the 1960's in addition to donated to Yale's Beinecke Rare Book in addition to Manuscript Library. Unfortunately the map is extremely faded, which makes a lot of the map's text illegible. This is why the Lazarus Project at the University of Rochester has been examining the map using multispectral imaging.
Multispectral Imaging is used to capture digital images of manuscripts, maps in addition to texts which tin in addition to so last digitally processed to assist recover faded or damaged text in addition to images. You tin sentiment the success of the Lazarus Project's laissez passer on this before & afterward interactive Martellus Map. This Leaflet map allows y'all to straight compare the digitally restored map amongst the master copy faded Martellus Map.

The Lazarus Project's before & afterward interactive was created on Leaflet.js using Jack Reed's Leaflet-IIIF plug-in. This is the same plug-in which I used to create my Mappae Mundi collection of historical globe maps. You tin sentiment the Waldseemüller map of 1507 on Mappae Mundi past times clicking on the 1507 button. If y'all compare the Waldseemüller map to the before Martellus map y'all tin come across the influence that Martellus had on Waldseemüller.
Of degree a few years afterward Martellus created his globe map Christopher Columbus stumbled upon the Americas. That western acre majority is thus missing from the Martellus Map but is famously included on Waldseemüller's 1507 map of the globe (the kickoff globe map to include the discussion 'America').