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Mapping Migration Flow

Migration inwards Latvia is a wonderfully designed interactive map which visualizes the country's internal migration flow. The map was developed yesteryear Latvia's Central Statistics Bureau.

The overall choropleth persuasion of Republic of Latvia visualizes the publish of people who convey left each town as well as portion inwards Republic of Latvia since the twelvemonth 2000. You tin besides toggle this choropleth persuasion to exhibit the publish of people who convey moved into each town as well as portion since the plough of the century.

Select a town or portion on the map as well as stream lines are added to the map showing where people from that expanse moved to betwixt 2000-2018. You tin besides switch this to persuasion instead the inward migration stream of people into the selected town or region. You tin besides switch to persuasion the migration stream betwixt iii unlike periods of time; during the final xviii years, the final seven years or simply the migration stream inwards the final year.

The map sidebar besides breaks downward closed to of the migration stream information for the selected town or region. This analysis includes a listing of the laissez passer on off xxx locations where people moved to or from. It besides includes a breakdown of the publish of people who moved into the expanse during the selected fourth dimension menses as well as the publish of residents who moved out of the area.

Also See

American Migration - visualizing migration stream to as well as from American cities
US Migration Flow Map - a map showing migration stream betwixt U.S. states
Population Explorer - visualizing the migration stream of towns & regions inwards New South Wales, Australia