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Mapping The Homeless Of La

In Jan 2015 the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority carried out a survey of the homeless inwards Los Angeles County. The survey estimated that at that topographic point were 44,359 homeless living inwards the county. Using the information from the count the Los Angeles Times created a dot map to visualize the distribution of homeless people throughout the county.

Each dot on the Where are L.A. County’s Homeless? map represents i homeless individual or a makeshift shelter or vehicle occupied yesteryear the homeless. The dots practise non stand upward for the exact place of homeless people recorded inwards the survey precisely were randomized throughout each census tract. If you lot pick out a census tract on the map you lot tin persuasion a breakdown of the position out of homeless counted inwards the neighborhood at the goal of 2014.

In the latest point-in-time count, carried out inwards 2017, at that topographic point were to a greater extent than than 57,000 men, women, as well as children estimated homeless inwards Los Angeles County. Esri has used the information from the count as well as other publicly available information to explore how GIS tin last used to scrap homelessness inwards the county.

In Combating Homelessness inwards Los Angeles County Esri has created a position out of mapped visualizations which exhibit the distribution as well as characteristics of the homeless population inwards L.A. County. The even out map continues yesteryear showing how GIS tin last used to position priority areas to target resources for the homeless.

The Combating Homelessness map makes a lot of role of the L.A. point-in-time count. These counts are required yesteryear the U.S. Department of Housing as well as Urban Development as well as are conducted every i or 2 years across the US. You tin role Esri's even out map every bit a template for creating a map visualizing the homeless work inwards your ain expanse as well as to position priority locations to target resources.