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Earth 2050

The extreme oestrus this twelvemonth has Pb to a unwrap of mapped visualizations of global warming. These maps tin tell you lot how much hotter the temperature has transcend over the final few decades in addition to predict how hot the planet volition transcend inwards the side past times side few decades.

The Revelator has mapped the Climate inwards 2050. The map provides a graphic regard of how much hotter the globe volition live on inwards 2050 based on electrical flow climate modify projections. If you lot click on the map you lot tin abide by how much you lot tin hold off the temperature to growth at that place past times the pump of this century.

At the destination of August the New York Times released their map, How Much Hotter Is Your Hometown Than When You Were Born?. Just motility into the refer of your hometown in addition to the twelvemonth you lot were born into the New York Times' interactive. You volition in addition to then live on told how many days inwards a year, on average, the temperature reached 32 degrees inwards your hometown inwards the twelvemonth that you lot were born. You volition too live on told how many days on average accomplish that temperature now. The Times map tin too you lot tell you lot how many extremely hot days you lot tin hold off when you lot accomplish fourscore years of age.

Every twelvemonth Yale surveys the opinions of Americans, aged 25 in addition to over, well-nigh their attitudes, beliefs in addition to policy preferences towards global warming. You tin regard the results of this year's survey at Yale Climate Opinion Maps. The results of each of the survey questions are shown using an interactive map. The maps visualize the results at the state, congressional district, subway scheme area, in addition to county levels, allowing you lot to regard how climate regard inwards America breaks-down geographically.

According to the survey Americans straight off overwhelmingly believe inwards global warming. In fact in that place are alone 3 counties inwards the whole of the States of America where a bulk of the population all the same believe that global warming is non happening. These counties are Emery County inwards Utah, Heard County inwards Georgia in addition to Grant County inwards West Virginia.