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Denmark From All Angles

Denmark's Board of Data Supply in addition to Efficiency Services (SDFE) has released oblique aerial views of the whole of the country. Skråfoto is an interactive map which allows you lot to zoom inwards on whatsoever place inwards Kingdom of Denmark in addition to persuasion oblique aerial photographs of the place captured from every angle.

The SkrÃ¥foto map is made upward of 1.3 meg high resolution oblique aerial photographs of Denmark. Oblique aerial views render a persuasion of the dry reason from an angle. The SkrÃ¥foto map allows you lot to persuasion whatsoever place from a overstep downwards persuasion in addition to from 4 dissimilar angles. The map allows you lot to persuasion all 5 views on i map or you lot tin hand the sack direct whatsoever i of the 5 dissimilar aerial views of a place to persuasion it full-screen.

SDFE created the map then that the photos tin hand the sack endure downloaded in addition to used inwards belongings evaluations. However they await the photos to endure used past times many other authorities departments, such equally local planning in addition to construction. They likewise promise that the aerial views volition likewise endure downloaded in addition to used past times the soul sector, for illustration inwards architecture, existent estate in addition to insurance.

The Skråfoto map volition endure updated side past times side twelvemonth amongst novel 2019 aerial oblique photos of the whole of Denmark.