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The Uk Broadband Speed Map Explained

The Financial Times has 1 of the best information visualization teams of whatever newspaper. Back inwards July that squad created in addition to released a corking interactive map visualizing the average broadband speed inwards every postcode expanse inwards Great Britain. If yous acquire into a postcode into the FT's Broadband Speed Map yous tin cease stance the average broadband speed inwards your expanse in addition to come across how it compares to the national averages.

The squad has instantly published an article on Source explaining how the map was made. In How We Mapped 1.3m Data Points Using Mapbox yous tin cease larn how the squad used Mapbox GL, QGIS, React in addition to Uber's React wrapper for Mapbox GL to brand their impressive information visualization. The article includes a listing of roughly of the major lessons the squad learnt inwards making the map.

The article too explains how what started every bit a small-scale downtime projection chop-chop gained major projection condition at the paper in addition to fifty-fifty began to straight on-the-ground reporting decisions. I gauge there's roughly other lesson to hold out learned here, that proficient information visualizations tin cease give away unexpected stories in addition to plow small-scale stories into major news.

If yous desire to larn to a greater extent than lessons learnt past times information journalists nearly making maps in addition to then yous should too depository fiscal establishment jibe out Source's Better Mapping Guide. The demand is an e'er growing listing of articles published on Source which supply projection walkthroughs in addition to learning pieces focused on making maps.