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How Katrina Flooded Novel Orleans

Hurricane Katrina made landfall over southeast Louisiana as well as Mississippi on August 29 2005. The upshot of the hurricane on the metropolis of New Orleans was devastating. Floodwalls as well as levees failed to concur dorsum the resulting tempest surges as well as 80% of the metropolis ended upwardly beingness flooded.

Dan Swenson has created a storey map exploring how the metropolis of New Orleans was inundated. Filling the Bowl - How the New Orleans Area Flooded During Hurricane Katrina provides a chronological overview of the major events on Mon August 29th. As you lot progress through the timeline the map shows how the tides as well as tempest surges breeched the levees as well as floodwalls which were meant to protect the city. By September i to a greater extent than or less neighborhoods inward the metropolis were submerged inward over 10 feet of water.

The map is based on a position out of post-hurricane reports as well as pump witness accounts. You tin persuasion to a greater extent than of Dan Swenson's maps as well as interactive visualizations produced for NOLA.com as well as The Times-Picayune here.