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Human Tech - X Nifty Youtube Videos For Teachers

Below is a listing of 10 neat educational YouTube channels outset featured in Mahsable. " The people behind these videos are cry for big questions nearly the universe — or doing their best to reply your burning queries. In the realms of science, math, history, police too whatever publish of subjects yous snoozed through inward school, creative geniuses are making the most of the medium ".

1- Veritasium
With to a greater extent than than 120 videos to its name, Veritasium -- derived from "veritas," the Latin for "truth" -- has received pop too critical acclaim.
The mind-bending "Slinky Physics" video inward a higher house is maybe the most popular, drawing to a greater extent than than 1 1000000 views too mainstream media coverage from a publish of unlike outlets.

2- Vsauce
Since debuting inward 2010, VSauce has gained to a greater extent than than a 1000000 followers. Creator too host Michael Stevens fields seemingly rhetorical questions -- similar "What if everyone jumped at once?" or the inward a higher house "What if the Lord's Day disappeared?" -- too answers them alongside wonder too thought-provoking detail.

Covering a broad reach of topics ranging from copyright laws to the pronunciation of "Uranus,"* C.G.P. Grey (Collin Gregory Palmer Grey, to friends) illuminates too debunks subjects alongside simply plenty humor.

4- Minute Physics
The brief but insightful time-lapse drawing videos of Henry Reich explicate abstruse scientific theories similar Schödinger's Cat or the Higgs Boson. In the exceptional video above,astrophysicist/meme/badass Neil deGrasse Tyson answers the inquiry "Does the universe create got a purpose?"

5- Smarter Every Day
Real-life rocket scientist Destin (who conceals his concluding cite for the security of his kids) has the finish of growing smarter every day, too he wants to assist yous create the same. Combining a wide-eyed enthusiasm alongside a super cool, high-framerate camera, Destin tackles the mysteries of the physical globe that surroud us. If you've always said out loud, "Fluid dynamics are awesome,"then these are the videos for you.

6- SciShow
SciShow tin accept a publish of unlike forms (like dihydrogen monoxide). Watch the talkshow video above, if for no other argue than the invitee star: a prehensile-tailed porcupine.

7- Crash Course's
The breakneck stride too whip-smart humour of Crash Course's videos may need a 2d viewing, if solely to selection upward on the jokes too film references yous mightiness create got missed.

8- Numberphile
Brady Haran, the take away heed behind Sixty Symbols too The Periodic Table of Videos, brings yous Numberphile, a serial of eye-opening too tactile math too scientific discipline videos.

9- ASAP Science
The successful videos of biologists Mitchell Moffit too Gregory Brown create got earned them 10 1000000 views (as of Dec 2012) too write-ups inward Scientific American too The Atlantic. Take a await to discovery out why.

10- Bad Astronomy
Don't allow the cite fool you. The YouTube limb of Philip Plait's infinite scientific discipline site presents informational videos, too every bit answers viewer questions too organizes interactive Google Hangouts.