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Human Tech - A Wonderful Blogging Rubric For Teachers As Well As Students

May 26, 2014
For those of y'all using or planning to integrating blogging equally an instructional activeness inwards class, the rubric below from the University of Wisconsin Stout is definitely a must have. This rubric is available for gratuitous together with tin survive downloaded inwards PDF format.

Photo credit: Langwitches.

This rubric is intended to help y'all evaluate students blogs along a gear upwardly of pre-defined academic criteria. Students tin likewise role it to self assess their blogging together with set the extent to which their blogging activities align amongst these academic criteria. This rubric role vi criteria to evaluate students blogging activities. These are :

1- Content together with Creativity
This is supposed to assess students content inwards price of the depth of insight, understanding, together with argumentativeness of the viewpoints expressed to a greater extent than or less the topic.

2- Voice
This i assesses students writing agency inwards price of clarity of tone, awareness of the audience addressed, together with the give-and-take alternative employed.

2-Text layout together with role of graphics together with multimedia
This touchstone checks students incorporation of multimedia materials inwards the composition of their spider web log posts.These materials include the role of graphics together with images, the role of captions together with annotations amongst pictures, together with character of graphics used.

3-Timelines together with Tags
This i checks whether the students update their spider web log content, how frequently they produce then together with whether they categorize together with tag their posts appropriately.

This is to cheque for the citation practices of students: whether they appropriately format together with advert sources together with how they bargain amongst copyright materials together with permissions.

5- Quality of writing together with proofreading
This final touchstone assesses students written responses inwards price of grammatical, spelling together with punctuation errors together with whether or non their writing agency  facilitates communication.

The rubric is available for download from this page.

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