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Human Tech - A Dandy Collaborative Workspace For Students

Writing interrogation papers are a major hurting signal for well-nigh students. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 gratis solution called LiveHive that launched only terminal calendar month tin sack aid students organize their interrogation into 1 comprehensive work space that tin sack live on accessed on whatever device amongst meshwork capability.

LiveHive is an online service that allows students to create visual as well as social workspaces amongst whatever type of file or document, including Google documents, desktop documents, webpages, videos, good files as well as to a greater extent than along amongst associated squad conversations. With LiveHive, students tin sack compile their research, cause got notes, organize data, portion information amongst classmates or teachers as well as to a greater extent than from their laptop, cellular telephone or fifty-fifty tablet. LiveHive makes it tardily for students to access the information fifty-fifty if they're on-the-go.

4 Ways LiveHive Makes Research Easy
  •  Capture online resources spell doing interrogation amongst the LiveHive extension. The terminal affair students desire is to cause got a useful quote or slice of evidence for a paper, but amongst no persuasion where it came from. Add notes to saved webpages as well as anything saved to the students workspace.
  • Students volition live on able to know why this article was as well as thus of import or they tin sack remind themselves of the well-nigh of import data.
  • Highlight quotes or of import text. This saves students from the headache of excavation through the interrogation they had saved as well as draws their eyes right to where they bespeak to be.
  • Students tin sack relieve all cited sources to 1 workspace making a bibliography a snap to write.