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Human Tech - What Is The Basis Broad Web? A Beautiful Curt Animated Explanation For Students

May 26, 2014
Over the terminal weekend, I spent to a greater extent than or less fourth dimension sifting through the videos shared on TED Ed youTube channel looking for videos to characteristic inward a post I shared before today. What is The WWW is i of the videos that stood out to me from the rest. It is basically a brusk  animated explanation (a petty over iii minutes long) of what the Blue Planet spider web means. As I watched it I figured that this is just what students quest to spotter to improve empathize the concept of the Blue Planet broad web. This video is also available every bit a TED Ed lesson to role inward your class.

This animation is created past times Twila Camp as well as beautifully illustrates to a greater extent than or less of the primal ideas related to the WWW that are used  in everyday language. Here are to a greater extent than or less of my highlights from this video:

The Blue Planet broad spider web Vs Internet
Although the damage are used interchangeably, the  WWW is non internet. Internet is only the way inward which computers connect to each other to part information. When Internet outset emerged, computers made straight calls to each other. Today, computers communicate seamlessly through the role of networks.

The communication enabled through Internet has many uses such every bit : emails, file transfer, as well as conferencing but the most mutual role is accessing the Blue Planet broad web... spotter the video to acquire to a greater extent than most the components of WWW as well as how they are used to plow over access to cognition as well as data stored inward the cloud.

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