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Human Tech - Ten Banking Enterprise Annotation Taking Tips For The 21St Century Teachers

January 11, 2014
I am shortly reading a mass entitled " Orality in addition to Literacy" past times Walter Ong inward which Ong provides an insightful analysis of the 2 concepts: oral cultures in addition to literate ( both chirographic, typographic, in addition to afterwards on electronic ) cultures. Ong argues that oral cultures were non able to railroad train logical in addition to conceptual idea in addition to that their thinking was purely operational in addition to situational.  Without a written linguistic communication to shop in addition to salve noesis , in that place was no referential information for others to reverberate in addition to construct on. Even for recollections, oral people drew on the heavy role of rhythmic patterns :
In a main oral culture, to solve effectively the work of retaining in addition to retrieving carefully articulated thought, you lot get got to create your thinking inward mnemonic patterns, shaped for create oral recurrence. Your idea must come upwardly into existence inward heavily rhythmic, balanced patterns, inward repetitions or antitheses, inward alliterations in addition to assonances, inward epithetic in addition to other formulary expressions, inward measure thematic settings (the assembly, the meal, the duel, the hero’s ‘helper’, in addition to and therefore on), inward proverbs which are constantly heard past times everyone in addition to therefore that they come upwardly to hear readily in addition to which themselves are patterned for retention in addition to create recall, or inward other mnemonic form.
However, what I desire to depict your attending to today is the ability of Federal Reserve notation taking inward consolidating our insights in addition to increasing our retention powers, something which Ong has indirectly alluded to when he talked close the intellectual revolution spurred past times the excogitation of the writing system. The visual below clicks inward amongst some of what Ong talked about. It basically features some rattling interesting facts close the importance of Federal Reserve notation taking.

Here are some interesting highlights from it :
  • Humans forget things easily, in addition to the to a greater extent than fourth dimension passes the to a greater extent than nosotros forget. 
  • Only 10 per centum of an well lecture may concluding inward memory, simply students who get got in addition to review their notes tin recollect close 80% of a lecture.
  • University of Washington query suggests that physical writing ( chirographic ) activates regions of the encephalon that require thinking, linguistic communication in addition to working memory.
Read on to larn to a greater extent than close the importance of Federal Reserve notation taking.

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