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Human Tech - Awesome Nautical Chart On Personalized Learning Vs Individualized Learning

On the seem upward of it personalized in addition to individualized learning are 2 sides of the same coin, a game of semantics in addition to this is why many teachers all the same usage them interchangeably every bit if they hateful the same affair spell inwards fact at that spot is a noticeable deviation betwixt the 2 specially inwards how each tendency views the usage of teachers in addition to students, knowledge, in addition to standards . David Warlik delved to a greater extent than into the nuances betwixt these 2 seemingly identical concepts in addition to came upward alongside this wonderful chart. We invite yous to bring a await in addition to every bit ever portion alongside us what yous mean value of it.

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On the seem upward of it personalized in addition to individualized learning are 2 sides of the same money Human Tech - Awesome Chart on Personalized Learning Vs Individualized Learning