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Human Tech - The Iii Best Alternatives To Youtube For Teachers

March 29, 2014
YouTube is past times all agency ane of the top dog video hosting websites teachers flock to when looking for video materials to role alongside their students. However, searching through a condensed platform such equally YouTube is  time consuming given the abundance of irrelevant content on it as well as thence the importance of having handy websites that render curated video content specifically designed for pupil audience. In this regard, I am sharing alongside y'all 3 of my favourite video resources that I convey been recommending to teachers over the lastly twosome of years.

1- SchoolTube

SchoolTube is ane of the largest K-12 moderated video sharing platform, specifically designed for students as well as educators. Teachers tin give the sack role it to search for educational video content to role inward class. SchoolTube also allows y'all to practice your won channel where y'all tin give the sack upload videos to portion alongside y'all students.

2- Next Vista

All videos inward the regular collections of NextVista are for a pupil audience, highlighting the inventiveness of students as well as teachers only about the world. Next Vista features at that topographic point principal collections: Seeing Services ( contains inspiring videos), Global Views ( this category contains videos to instruct students most  cross-cultural agreement ) as well as the terminal category is Light Bulb which contains video tutorials as well as how-to guides.

3- TeacherTube

Teacher Tube is some other proficient choice for YouTube. It equally good provides a broad diversity of educational videos created past times teachers as well as students. There is also a "classroom" department where teachers tin give the sack convey  access to specifically curated content to role inward class.

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