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Human Tech - Vii Cracking Ted Talks On Autism Teachers Should Non Miss

May 6, 2014
H5N1 few months agone I posted hither a visual wheel that features an array of iPad apps for autistic students too today I am adding these bully TED Talks on autism. As y'all know, autism diagnoses rates are growing to an alarming levels. And many are immediately thinking close it every bit a serious theme to hold upwardly addressed . The TED Talks below innovate y'all to the scientific discipline of autism too part amongst y'all approximately amazing first-person accounts from those living amongst it. Enjoy

1- Wendy Chung Autism — what nosotros know (and what nosotros don’t know yet)

2- Ami Klin A novel agency to diagnose autism

3- Temple Grandin The globe needs all kinds of minds

4- Derek Paravicini, Adam Ockelford In the fundamental of genius

5- Ajit Narayanan A give-and-take game to communicate inwards whatever language

6- Faith Jegede What I've learned from my autistic brothers

7- Andrew Solomon Love, no thing what

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