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Human Tech - Teachers' Ask To A Networked Classroom

February 5, 2014
Creating a networked classroom is a prerequisite for coming together the learning needs of today's students. In fact, i of the reasons why many students detect schoolhouse dull is because they experience it is unlike from their existent life, the life they alive exterior the 4 walls of classroom as well as where they acquire interact amongst their digital media as well as connect amongst peers worldwide.

In their wonderful majority "Using The Power of Personal Learning Networks to Transform Education", Will as well as Bob highlight the importance of creating a connected classroom where students utilization as well as interact amongst the digital way they utilization exterior school. The authors outlined 5 methods for using classrooms every bit networked learning spaces :
  1. Connect students as well as teachers within the classroom
  2.  Publish pupil as well as instructor piece of job locally as well as globally
  3.  Connect students as well as teachers exterior the classroom
  4. Connect amongst experts around the world
  5.  Collaborate amongst others to create as well as portion knowledge
Drawing on these 5 methods, I came upwardly amongst a listing of of import spider web tools teachers tin utilization amongst their students to create a networked classroom. Check them out below.

Tools for sharing pictures:

1- Flickr

Flickr is i of the best websites out at that spot for students to portion their images as well as photos. Flickr also provides users amongst a "shared folder" pick that students tin utilization to shop as well as portion relevant pictures.

2- Photobucket

This is some other powerful photograph hosting website to utilization amongst students.

3- Instagram

Instagram is a neat tool that students tin utilization to portion their photos as well as pictures. It also allows them to receive got a photograph or video, cutomize as well as edit it as well as thus portion it amongst others.

4- SmugMug

SmugMug makes it slow to safely store, as well as portion your photos online.

5- Picassa

Picassa is Google's costless photograph sharing platform. Picassa is integrated amongst all your Google's tools as well as automatically finds as well as saves all pictures from your computer.

Tools for sharing videos

1- YouTube

This is the most pop website for hosting as well as sharing videos. You tin create a YouTube channel for your classroom as well as invite students to portion videos. However, if YouTube is blocked inwards your schoolhouse as well as thus endeavor out the other platforms below.

2- Teacher Tube

Teacher Tube is some other neat website to utilization amongst your students for publishing videos. The service is costless as well as is really slow to use.

3- Vimeo

This is some other neat video sharing website that students tin utilization to store, discovery as well as portion their learning experiences.

Tools for sharing slides, files, as well as documents :

1- Issuu

Issuu allows y'all to upload your documents as well as slides inwards unlike formats. It also provides y'all amongst a library where y'all tin organize all your uploads as well as portion them amongst others.

2- Google Drive

Teachers tin create a shared folder inwards Google Drive as well as invite students to utilization that folder for storing as well as sharing classroom materials.

3- Dropbox

Dropbox provides a express costless hosting capacity for y'all to utilization to salvage classroom documents, PDFs, as well as slides. It also provides yo amongst a download link to portion amongst others .

4- SlideShare

This is my favourite platform for sharing as well as hosting slides. Slideshare allows y'all to upload your slides as well as PowerPoints as well as portion them amongst the the world via email, social media platforms, or embed codes.

5- Box

This is some other platform I receive got been using lately for storing my documents. Box lets y'all shop all of your content online, thus y'all tin access, contend as well as portion it from anywhere. Integrate Box amongst Google Apps as well as Salesforce as well as access Box on mobile devices.

 Tools for creating blogs :

1- Blogger


 I receive got been using blogger  for 5 years  now as well as I highly recommend it for teachers. Blogger is a costless Google service which provides users amongst a uncomplicated as well as slow to utilization blogging interface. Users tin select from a broad diversity of templates as well as amongst only drag as well as drib functionality, i tin fix as well as run the weblog inwards few clicks.

2- Wordpress


This is some other ability platform for setting upwardly a degree blog. Similar to blogger, Wordpress is also slow to utilization as well as is costless for basic versions. There are several guides as well as video tutorials on its help page that volition help y'all through the procedure of setting upwardly your blog.

3- Kidblog


Kidblog is designed for K-12 teachers who desire to render each pupil amongst an private blog. Students disclose posts as well as participate inwards academic discussions.

4- Edublog

The World's most pop educational activity blogging service. Edublogs lets y'all easily create; contend pupil as well as instructor blogs, rapidly customize designs as well as include videos, photos as well as  podcasts - it's safe, slow as well as secure thus endeavor out .

5- Glogster Edu

Glogster Edu empowers educators as well as students amongst the technology to create GLOGS - online multimedia posters - amongst text, photos, videos, graphics, sounds, drawings, information attachments as well as more.

Tools for creating as well as sharing screencasts :

1- Screenomatic

This is an online tool for one-click recording for free. Screenomatic is integrted amongst major video hosting websites similar YouTube as well as Vimeo allowing y'all to upload your screencasts to these services amongst i click. The pro version of this tool has far to a greater extent than interesting features.

2- Screenr

Screenr is a web-based covert recorder that lets y'all easily create as well as portion your spider web screencasts. Just click on the tape button, capture your covert as well as vox as well as portion the link.

Tools for creating video conferences as well as online hangouts:

1- Google Plus hangout

This is a wonderful service for creating online video conferences amongst students. And though the issue of participants inwards each hangout is limited, You tin nonetheless streamline your alive hangout on YouTube for the residuum to sentinel .

2- Skype

Skype offers a service called grouping video conferencing for only $9 a calendar month as well as which allow y'all to concord video conferences amongst anyone anywhere. These video conferences tin also locomote recorded as well as shared on Youtube channel of your class.

3- Ustream

Ustream is a website that allows members to broadcast alive streaming video on the Internet. " Members tin broadcast straight from the Ustream website or from a mobile device using Ustream's mobile broadcasting app (available for Android as well as iPad). Ustream members tin also tape as well as salvage videos for futurity broadcast distribution."

Tools for Creating Classroom Pinboards

1- Pinterest


Pinterest is a costless spider web tool that y'all tin utilization to visually curate spider web content. You tin create every bit many boards every bit y'all desire as well as y'all tin also bring together other's boards as well as commencement a collaborative pinning experience. Pinterest has a handy bookmarklet that y'all tin drag to the bookmarks toolbar as well as amongst i click y'all volition locomote able to add together anything y'all come upwardly across.

2- Educlipper


Some telephone telephone it the novel Pinterest for educators, Educlipper is actually a neat as well as promising website where teachers acquire to curate as well as organize digital content. Educlipper has been designed specifically for educators as well as past times an educator ( Adam Bellow: founder ). The procedure of setting upwardly your Educlipper trouble organisation human relationship is pretty slow as well as tin locomote done inwards a few clicks as well as i time logged inwards y'all tin straightaway commencement adding content .

3- Padlet


Padlet, formerly known every bit Wallwisher, is a spider web tool that provides y'all amongst an empty wall or canvass where y'all acquire to add together your digital content. This content tin locomote anything y'all desire as well as the goodness affair close this tool is that it lets y'all at nowadays download the contents of your walls every bit PDFs, images, Excel, or CSV files.

4- Scoop.it

Scoop.it is some other powerful spider web tool for curating digital content. Similar to Pinterest, Scoop.it allows y'all to create every bit many boards every bit y'all desire as well as y'all tin either portion them amongst the world or brand them private. It also has a handy bookmarklet to utilization for minute Scooping.

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