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Human Tech - A Must Accept Google Motility App For Teachers

May 8, 2014
Since the introduction of add-ons to Google Drive a few weeks ago, I tried several of these extensions on my Google Drive as well as I am actually impressed past times the peachy service around of them offer. Today, I am sharing alongside y'all 1 of my favourite apps to purpose on Google Sheets. This summation is called Doctopus.

Doctopus is a handy Spreadhseet script which allows teachers to brand copies as well as paw out google Drive files to students listed inward a Google Sheet. Doctopus besides allows teachers to buy the farm on rail of their shared documents alongside the possibility of providing timely feedback to students correct inward the spreadsheet itself.

Watch the video below to larn to a greater extent than most how to purpose Doctopus on your Google Sheets.

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