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Human Tech - Percentage Docs As Well As Assignments Amongst Students Using Google Hit Shared Folders

April 10, 2014
One of the bully characteristic I beloved nearly Google Drive is the mightiness to portion shared folders amongst others. You tin easily practice a shared folder together with portion it amongst your students. Anytime yous add together something to this folder, all students volition live on able to encounter it at 1 time inwards their Drive. You tin operate shared folder to portion assignments, learning materials, documents, together with videos amongst your students. In this means yous volition non convey to worry if every pupil has got a re-create for they tin all access it inwards their Drives.

Here is a stride past times stride ask on how to practice a shared folder on Google Drive:

1- Create a folder

2- Name your folder

3- Customize sharing setting of your folder

4- Customize visibility settings of your folder

5- Share your folder

Now anything yous add together to that folder volition live on automatically displayed inwards students Drive.
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