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Human Tech - Google Released Novel Classroom Tools

May 7, 2014
Google today announced the pre-release of Google Classroom which is a complimentary platform integrated amongst Google Apps for Education. It helps teachers exercise in addition to organize assignments quickly, render feedback efficiently, in addition to communicate amongst their classes amongst ease. Classroom is based on the regulation that educational tools should last unproblematic in addition to tardily to use, in addition to is designed to laissez passer teachers to a greater extent than fourth dimension to learn in addition to students to a greater extent than fourth dimension to learn.

With Classroom, you'll last able to:

Create in addition to collect assignments:
Classroom weaves together Google Docs, Drive in addition to Gmail to assistance teachers exercise in addition to collect assignments paperlessly. They tin laissez passer the axe chop-chop come across who has or hasn't completed the work, in addition to render direct, real-time feedback to private students.

Improve aeroplane communications: 
Teachers tin laissez passer the axe brand announcements, enquire questions in addition to comment amongst students inward existent time—improving communication within in addition to exterior of class.

Stay organized: 
Classroom automatically creates Drive folders for each assignment in addition to for each student. Students tin laissez passer the axe easily come across what’s due on their Assignments page.

Starting today, teachers in addition to professors tin laissez passer the axe apply for a preview of Classroom. Based on the requests Google volition last inviting a express seat out of educators to endeavour Classroom inward most a month. By September, Classroom volition last available to whatever schoolhouse using Google Apps for Education.

Watch this video to larn to a greater extent than most Google Classroom