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The Swell Smoky Mountains Species Map

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is abode to over 1,800 unlike found in addition to brute species. You tin straight off stance where the park's unlike animals in addition to parks alive on a novel interactive map of the park.

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Species Mapper allows anyone to stance the distribution of found in addition to brute life inwards the park. It provides a tool for green managers to protect life inwards the green in addition to assess the touching of unlike species on other life inwards the the park. It also provides a handy tool for visitors to explore what they mightiness run into when they catch the park.

You tin role the drop-down bill of fare to select a species to stance on the map. You tin also select to compare the distribution of the selected species alongside i or 2 other plants or animals. Alternatively y'all tin lead to compare your selected species alongside other species which part a like distribution inwards the park.