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How The Police Trace Rail Ordinary Citizens

When the constabulary chat to an innocent citizen on the street or beak to someone that they believe may move acting suspiciously they consummate plain interview or contact cards to document the encounter. One number of this practise is that citizens who cause got never broken the law are documented inward constabulary databases. This information tin hence move used to conk along a tape of their movements, habits as well as acquaintances.

The Post & Chronicle used liberty of information requests to access this information from the Charleston, North Charleston as well as Mount Pleasant Police Departments. They discovered that the Charleston Police Department’s database for plain contacts has records of 35,000 people, or nearly a quarter of the city’s population.

The Post & Chronicle has mapped the plain contacts information of the Charleston police. The Watched map shows the place of each run across logged past times the constabulary every bit a white dot. The lines on the map connect the white dots of citizens who cause got been entered into the database to a greater extent than than once.

If yous select a point on the map yous tin isolate an individual's information on the map. For example, inward the screenshot above, yous tin view the entries of citizen 'ID 3110'. This someone has had their details taken past times the constabulary 415 times. The mapped visualization of this information gives a practiced thought of how the constabulary tin purpose this information to construct upwards a moving painting of a citizen's movements as well as other habits.