The African Elephant Atlas

The Paul G. Allen Project has carried out a huge census to count Africa's savanna elephants. During the census the projection surveyed over 350,000 foursquare miles of solid set down inward xviii unlike countries. You tin post away instantly explore the outcomes of this census on the African Elephant Atlas.
The Atlas maps the results of the census, showing the density of African elephants inward the xviii countries surveyed. The census recorded 352,271 elephants inward total. This represents a decrease inward the elephant population of around 30% inward but the final 7 years. H5N1 autumn that is mainly attributed to the illegal poaching of African elephants.
The African Elephant Atlas includes a mapped visualization of how the projection carried out the census, using planes to bear aerial surveys of the xviii countries. It also includes a seat out of tools which let y'all to explore in addition to inquiry the census information past times country, stratum in addition to private survey flight.

You tin post away acquire to a greater extent than most the habitats in addition to the lives of African elephants amongst the Samburu National Reserve Street View Tour. Save the Elephants has been working for over 20 years amongst the elephants inward Samburu National Reserve inward Kenya.
Google's Street View Trek provides a wonderful tour around Samburu National Reserve, Kenya, inward which y'all volition hold out introduced to some of the park's elephant families. The tour also explains the function of Save the Elephants, who are working difficult to protect in addition to salvage Africa's elephants.
The tour explains how Save the Elephants monitors elephants on the ground, from the air in addition to via GPS tracking. The arrangement also patrols the park, protecting the elephants from poachers in addition to industrial plant to rehabilitate injured in addition to orphaned elephants.

Elephants are tracked non entirely to sweat in addition to halt poachers but also to assist scientists acquire to a greater extent than most the lives of these amazing creatures. Elephants: Year inward a Day shows the patterns of crusade of v bull elephants inward Laikipia County, Kenya.
This visualization uses Google Maps amongst CartoDB's Torque library to animate 34,786 GPS positions of the v elephants, captured over the shape of i year. This year's worth of place information from the v elephants has been compressed into a unmarried twenty-four hours on the map to illustrate the full general designing of crusade of the bull elephants, regardless of flavor or individual.
The map also highlights local solid set down use, displaying cultivated solid set down in addition to rubber habitats through the role of colored polygon overlays. The solid set down tract overlays assist to highlight where the bull elephants bring been accessing farmed solid set down in addition to raiding crops nether the comprehend of darkness.