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Human Tech - Ipad Basics: Tips, Apps Together With Ideas For Using Ipad Inwards Your Class

March 4, 2014
I  came across this wonderful resources land I was sifting through my Twitter feeds too wanted to portion it alongside you lot hither inwards . "iPad 101: The Basics" is created past times Steve Lai from Teaching alongside iPad. Steve has ever impressed me alongside the cracking last he does inwards his weblog too I ever expect frontwards to read his posts.

Image source: http://teachingwithipad.org/ipad-101-the-basics/

 In iPad 101: The Basics, Steve provides a broad multifariousness of guides on cardinal technological apps such equally Dropbox, Evernote together alongside several other interesting tips too ideas on how to larn by your iPad equally a teacher. Steve speaks from his personal sense too engagement alongside using iPad inwards his classroom too I am pretty certain you lot volition discovery much of what he talks almost inwards these guides relevant to your classroom surroundings equally well. Below is a listing of the human topics Steve covered inwards iPad 101: The Basics. Have a expect too brand certain you lot rest updated almost Steve's upcoming last through his Twitter.
  1. Dropbox for Dummies: Why You Shouldn’t Need Your USB Key Again
  2. App Updates on your iPad: Should You Download Them?
  3. How to Prepare Your iPad for the New School Year
  4. How To Manage Storage On Your iPad
  5. Part Two: How To Manage Storage On Your iPad
  6. How to easily add together or modify an electronic mail address to iMessage too FaceTime on your minute iPad or iPod touch
  7. Just larn an iPad? Here are around tips for setting it up!
  8. Evernote for Dummies