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Human Tech - A Comprehensive Lead To The Role Of Edmodo Amongst Students

March 9, 2014
Edmodo is a powerful web-based platform that has a huge potential for us inwards education.  The features in addition to functionalities  provided yesteryear Edmodo for teachers in addition to students are invaluable in addition to thus the importance of having access to a handy conduct similar the i below. This visual conduct aims at helping teachers tap into the educational potential of Edmodo.

What is edmodo ?
Edmodo is a web-based platform that provides a prophylactic in addition to slow agency for your course of instruction to connect in addition to collaborate, part content, in addition to access homework, grades in addition to schoolhouse notices. It is similar Facebook but inwards a prophylactic in addition to controlled environs appropriate for school.

How tin I job edmodo amongst my students ?
Edmodo provides y'all amongst a secure environs where y'all tin create a classroom grouping for your students. In this virtual grouping y'all tin :
  • Place digital resources on edmodo for students to access or download,
  • Create polls for students to vote online.
  • Write brusk summaries of lessons for students who were absent from course of instruction (better yet: acquire your students to write the summary).
  • Post homework information.
What is it that makes Edmodo course of instruction a secure environs ?

Edmodo explicitly deals amongst schoolhouse in addition to instructor concerns close social networking for students inwards the next ways:
  • Each Edmodo course of instruction grouping is managed in addition to controlled yesteryear the teacher
  • Students postulate an access code to bring together the class. If a pupil shares the code exterior the class, the instructor tin modify it, without affecting students already joined inwards the group.
  • Students tin alone communicate to the whole course of instruction or to the instructor – mortal messages betwixt students are non possible.
  • Anonymous posting is non possible.
  • Teachers tin delete posts.
  • If schools upgrade (free) to the institutional features, the schoolhouse tin audit all instructor in addition to pupil activity.
  • Parental access to their children’s posts in addition to to the instructor is an optional feature.

Here is a measurement yesteryear measurement conduct to using Edmodo amongst your students:

1- Create a classroom group
One of the cracking things I similar close Edmodo is the might to create a grouping for your course of instruction in addition to invite students to bring together this space. Once the grouping is laid upwards y'all tin so upload files to it in addition to  publish posts for other to see.

To create a grouping click on " Groups" so "create".

Give your grouping a cite in addition to pick out the flat of your course of instruction in addition to the discipline area.

Customize the setting of your grouping every bit y'all run across fit.

Invite students to your group

There are 2 ways to invite your students to bring together your course of instruction group. You tin either click on " grouping code" to generate a specific code to part amongst them via electronic mail or y'all tin click on " bring together URL" in addition to so click on "invite".
First way

Second way

Adding folders 
 To add together folder to your group, click on " folder" so on " add together folder". Once the folder is created y'all tin so add together to it files, links in addition to materials from library.

2- Sharing inwards your grouping page
There are dissimilar things y'all tin part amongst your students. You tin part notes in addition to links, upload files, post alerts, create in addition to part assignments in addition to quizzes in addition to blueprint polls.

Creating a note:

Creating an assignment:

Creating a poll:

3-  Creating a library
Edmodo too provides y'all amongst your ain library where y'all tin add together folders, files in addition to links in addition to part them amongst your students. You tin too connect your Google Drive amongst your library in addition to convey minute access to your saved materials on your Drive correct inwards your library.

Adding files in addition to links to your library :

Connecting your Google Drive amongst your library

4- Edmodo Apps:
There are several tertiary political party apps that y'all tin job amongst Edmodo to heighten students productivity. a listing of to a greater extent than or less useful apps to job amongst Edmodo tin hold upwards accessed here. To add together apps to your Edmodo only click on the " discover" icon every bit shown below in addition to search for the apps to add.

5- Joining other communities
 Edmodo is a community based platform in addition to y'all tin search for communities of involvement to y'all in addition to your students in addition to bring together them to acquire from what they share. To search for communities only click on " communities" every bit displayed below in addition to browse through the titles till y'all honor the i that involvement y'all in addition to click on " follow".

You tin too search for topics in addition to content to part amongst your students using the " honor content " cast which is works life nether the " communities" tab.

6- Edmodo Badges
Edmodo provides a broad make of laid upwards made badges that y'all tin job to vantage your students. browse through the choice it has in addition to part amongst your students. To access badges, click on " progress" icon every bit is shown below in addition to pick out " my pupil badges"

examples of badges:

Some useful articles on using Edmodo amongst your students: