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How Satellites Document Our Changing World

The satellite constellation of Earth-imaging fellowship Planet Labs is able to render a regular consummate thought of globe at 3-5 one thousand optical resolution. You tin straight off explore these satellite images on their new Planet Explorer map.

Planet Explorer allows y'all to detect how the populace has changed over the final year. Using the map's timeline y'all tin zoom-in on whatsoever place on globe as well as thought the satellite imagery for whatsoever month, going dorsum to Jan 2016. If y'all register amongst Planet Labs y'all tin fifty-fifty thought the daily updates to the satellite imagery inward California.

Currently Planet Explorer has global satellite imagery at a resolution of xxx to twoscore meters. The U.S. of America yet is available at iii to five meter resolution.

The Landsat programme has been capturing satellite imagery of the globe since the early on 1970's. This way they straight off convey access to over twoscore years of satellite imagery, which is a wonderful resources for documenting changes to our planet.

Landsat Lens allows y'all to explore how the globe has changed past times comparison Lansat satellite imagery from vi dissimilar years. The map allows y'all to search for whatsoever place on globe as well as thence overlay satellite imagery of your selected place from 1975, 1990, 2000, 2005, 2010 & 2015.

For illustration the screenshot to a higher house shows a map of the Aral Sea amongst iv dissimilar satellite images from iv dissimilar decades. Being able to conduct compare the satellite images from dissimilar decades actually helps to highlight the scale of how apace the Aral Sea is disappearing.

You tin besides explore our e'er changing populace on Google's Timelapse map. Timelapse allows y'all to utilisation a timelapse sequence from satellite images (from 1984 to 2012) for anywhere on Earth.The application comes amongst a break of default views that permit y'all to thought timelapse animations of satellite images showing the sprawling increment of Las Vegas, the edifice of Dubai, the shrinking of the Mendenhall Glacier as well as the drying-up of Lake Urmia.