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Around The Basis Inwards 3,305 Frames

To celebrate the twelfth birthday of Google Maps Matteo Archondis created this awesome animated tour of Google Maps. The video consists of 3,305 screenshots of the globe every bit seen on Google Maps.

If you lot desire to create your ain animated tour thus you lot tin role the Ecolapse Street View flick maker. Ecolapse is a overnice extension of the Hyperlapse library created past times Teehan+Lax (Hyperlapse itself unfortunately seems to no longer be - although the beginning code for Hyperlapse is still available on Github). Using Ecolapse you lot tin create an animated Street View effort amongst a real clever overhead 'small world' effect. Ecolapse distorts the Google Street View imagery to portray an overhead thought rather than the normal Google Maps landscape view.

You tin create your ain animated Ecolapse tour merely past times dropping 2 map markers onto a Google Map. When the animation is created you lot convey the option to interruption the animation, zoom inwards as well as out of the Street View as well as role your keyboard arrow keys to scroll through the road frame past times frame.