How Salubrious Are Your Neighbors?

The people of Gary, Indiana similar to play Russian roulette alongside their health. According to a novel interactive map from the CDC Gary has the worst problems alongside smoking in addition to physical activeness of the largest 500 cities inwards America.
The Center for Disease Control in addition to Prevention has mapped the wellness of 500 of the largest cities inwards the USA. Using the CDC map you lot tin sack sentiment the prevalence of wellness in addition to unhealthy deportment downward to neighborhood level. The utilisation of the 500 Cities projection is to "help prepare in addition to implement effective in addition to targeted prevention activities (and) pose emerging wellness problems".
Using the 500 Cities interactive map you lot tin sack sentiment model based wellness estimates of neighborhoods at census tract level. The map allows you lot to sentiment the prevalence of a number of behaviors effecting wellness at neighborhood level, such equally binge drinking, smoking, obesity in addition to physical activity. You tin sack equally good utilisation the map to sentiment the prevalence inwards neighborhoods of a number of dissimilar wellness issues in addition to diseases.