Animated Menstruation Mapping

The Canvas Flowmap Layer is a library for the ArcGIS JavaScript API which allows yous to map objects flowing from i place to another.You tin plow over the sack encounter the Canvas Flowmap Layer inwards activeness on this demo, which uses the library to add together animated catamenia lines to a globe map.
The library uses Bezier curves to visualize the arrive at of objects from i place to another. One role of using Bezier curves is that yous tin plow over the sack present the administration of catamenia yesteryear using either a convex or concave crease on your catamenia line. The administration of catamenia is every bit good visualized yesteryear the library alongside animated dots which move along the catamenia map lines inwards the administration of flow.
The library allows yous to accommodate the speed of the animated catamenia dots together with provides options to usage linear, ease-out or ease-in animations.