The Best & The Worst Uk Election Maps

This Esri map of 2015 UK Election Candidates is a beautifully elementary map. The map but shows each U.K. constituency in addition to the candidates standing inwards each of those constituencies.
The labeling of each constituency sacrifices orientation for font size, choosing to purpose larger fonts rather than smaller fonts which volition gibe horizontally inside each constituency boundary. The termination is genuinely real aesthetically pleasing. It may brand some of the labels a petty harder to read but most users volition presumably accept some thought where their constituency is on the map. If yous don't know where a constituency is yous tin flame but purpose the search component whatever way.

While the U.K. Election Candidates map is elementary in addition to informative Google's Election 2015 - The Final Debate is neither. The map shows searches on Google for each political party leader during the BBC's U.K. Election struggle on Apr 30th.
I gauge the map gives some full general feel virtually who people were searching for on Google during the struggle in addition to when & where they were searching. I'm just non certain why I should attention or what I tin flame larn from the map. The information behind the map mightiness maybe endure informative virtually the full general back upward for each of the party's leaders but it genuinely isn't useful presented inwards this way.
The Guardian's Election Map in addition to Swingometer is some other elementary in addition to informative map. One of the large problems amongst showing the results of U.K. elections on maps is the irregular size of the constituencies.
When yous color a map of the U.K. past times the political party colors of the successful political parties yous tend to introduce a misleading film of the representation of the unlike parties inwards the UK. In full general price the Labour political party tends to perform improve inwards the geographically smaller inner metropolis constituencies, spell the Conservative Party tend to perform improve inwards the geographically larger rural constituencies.
U.K. election maps thence tend to introduce a film where the Conservative bluish dominates the Labour ruby on the map fifty-fifty when the Labour Party has picked upward to a greater extent than seats. The Guardian has got just about this occupation past times representing each constituency every bit an equal sized block, at the expense of geographical accuracy
The termination mightiness hateful that users volition accept some difficulty picking out the right constituency on the map, however, the search alternative way users tin flame silent chop-chop position the constituencies which involvement them.

The Daily Telegraph has released a Google Map of the marginal seats inwards the U.K. election. The Telegraph's map divides the province into security constituencies (seats that are probable to vote for the incumbent political political party inwards the seat) in addition to marginal constituencies (seats that mightiness alter hands).
The map is useful every bit a full general guide to which U.K. seats are most probable to gain upward one's heed the lawsuit of the U.K. full general election this coming Thursday. The large release of seats inwards Scotland (many of which await probable moving from Labour to SNP) in addition to inwards the South West (some of which await similar moving from Lib Dem to Conservative) are probable to accept a large send on on the U.K. election in addition to what looks similar beingness real interesting discussions later the election virtually which political parties volition shape the government.

Bet 2015 has released a U.K. map showing who they retrieve volition each parliamentary topographic point based on the bets placed on private candidates. The Bet 2015 map currently predicts that the Conservative Party volition win precisely xiii to a greater extent than seats than the Labour Party.
Each constituency on the map is colored to exhibit the political party of the predicted winner. You tin flame every bit good alter the map persuasion to exhibit the electrical current holder of each seat.