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Human Tech - Maslow Hierarchy Of Needs As Well As Social Media (Visually Illustrated)

February 12, 2015
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a motivational theory developed yesteryear the renowned psychologist together with humanist Abraham Harold Maslow (April 1, 1908 – June 8, 1970). Being disappointed yesteryear the behaviourist theories of the 24-hour interval that primarily focused on the report of problematic behaviour, Maslow took a dissimilar plow together with did in-depth studies on the motivational utilization of the human conduct. He explored areas responsible for driving people's deportment together with happiness. For Maslow, whatsoever deportment is a complex deed that aim at the achievement of a for certain goal. Human beings are destination oriented together with every bit such they tend to channel their deportment according to the motivational involve underlying it. Check out this post to acquire to a greater extent than well-nigh Maslow Hierarchy of Needs.

In today’s postal service I am sharing amongst yous sparse interesting visual that projects Maslow’s Hierarchy  of needs into the realm of social media. To what extent is this depiction accurate? I am non actually sure, merely the function is withal a  good forage for thought. Have a await together with percentage amongst us what yous intend of it.

Check out the sum graphic from 's  page.

s Hierarchy of Needs is a motivational theory developed yesteryear the renowned psychologist together with h Human Tech - Maslow Hierarchy of Needs together with Social Media (Visually Illustrated)

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