Chicago's Ascension Costs Of Incarceration

This twelvemonth Illinois volition pass 1.4 billion dollars on the Department of Corrections. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 large proportion of that coin volition live on spent on locking up Chicagoans from the low-income neighborhoods on the westward too due south sides of the city.
Chicago's Million Dollar Blocks maps how much coin is beingness spent on incarcerating individuals from each Chicago block. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 large pose out of these blocks inwards the westward too due south sides of the metropolis are costing the metropolis over a meg dollars. The information is based on judgement lengths too on an estimation that the Department of Corrections spends to a greater extent than or less $22,000 per twelvemonth for each inmate.
The map includes ii primary layers: All Offences & Drug-Related. If y'all mouse-over a block on the map y'all tin flame thought the damage to the soil of both drug-related incarcerations too for all offences. If y'all zoom out on the map y'all tin flame too thought a choropleth layer showing the damage of incarceration at the neighborhood level.