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The Antipodes Maps

If y'all could tunnel straight through the footing from Christchurch inward New Zealand y'all would eventually emerge inward H5N1 Coruña, Spain. If y'all started inward Hong Kong y'all could conceivably burrow your agency to La Quiaca inward Argentina.

Because or so 70% of the Earth's surface is covered past times the body of body of water at that topographic point are non that many populated locations that bring populated antipodes. Wikipedia has a useful listing of cities alongside exact (or close exact) antipodes. It too lists cities inside 100 km of having some other urban essence every mo an antipode.

If y'all desire to know where y'all would halt upward if y'all tunneled necessitate through the footing so y'all tin operate Darren Wien's Anitpode Map. This map includes 2 Mapbox maps - i reversed too overlaid on superlative of the other. If y'all oculus the map on your place y'all tin hence meet precisely where your antipode is on the other map.

The Antipode Map uses WebGL. If y'all don't bring a WebGL enabled browser y'all tin notice your antipode on Darren's non-WebGL Antipode Map.