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Leeds Is Revolting

The Leeds Riot Map 1643 - 2002 is a storey map exploring the locations as well as causes of the many riots that the Yorkshire urban center of Leeds has experienced over the years.

The map provides a fascinating draw of piece of occupation organization human relationship of social unrest inward the urban center over the centuries as well as includes links to larn to a greater extent than well-nigh each riot on the Ford-Maguire Society of Leeds website. The map likewise happens to hold upwardly a swell demonstration of the Storymap plug-in for Leaflet.js.

Storymap provides a template for creating storey maps amongst the pop Leaflet mapping library. It allows developers to practise an interactive map which reacts equally users scroll through the accompanying text (story). As the user scrolls downwardly through the content, map interactions, such equally zooming, panning as well as marking placement, tin hold upwardly fired past times the user's progression through the accompanying text. The relevant sections inside the text tin likewise hold upwardly highlighted inward the text container / div element.

The Storymap plug-in likewise requires jQuery as well as Underscore.js (and evidently Leaflet.js)