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The Snapchat Map

Last twelvemonth Snapchat introduced an interactive map to their mobile app. The map allows Snapchat users to part their place amongst friends in addition to for Snapchat users to discover what other users are posting some the world.

Snap Map is right away every bit good available on the desktop. The desktop version of Snap Map provides a heatmap sentiment of Snap Chat activeness in addition to allows y'all to sentry Snaps submitted yesteryear Snapchatters anywhere inwards the world. Markers on the map demo locations in addition to / or events where a expose of videos accept lately been shared on Snapchat. If y'all click on the markers y'all tin seat notice sentry the latest submitted videos from that location.

If in that place is no marking on a place y'all tin seat notice however click on the map to sentiment the some recent videos submitted close that location. This way that Snap Map is a slap-up way to become a sneak peak into whatever events happening correct now. For representative simply click some Pyeongchang on Snap Map to sentiment videos of the Winter Olympics.

Snap Map includes an embed view, which allows y'all to add together a version of Snap Map to your ain website or blog. The basemap in addition to place information behind Snap Map is powered yesteryear Mapbox. It uses a custom designed basemap manner which was developed from Mapbox Outdoors.