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How Prosperous Is Your County?

The eastern seaboard of the U.S.A. from Boston downward to Washington D.C. is economically vibrant at the moment. The western coast of California, from Sonoma County downward to San Diego is equally good looking really prosperous.

You tin sentiment your dry reason together with county's vitality rating on the Hamilton Project's Exploring the Geography of Prosperity interactive map. The Hamilton Project's Vitality Index rates every U.S. county based on its economical prosperity together with social well-being. To brand it at a rating the Vitality Index combines a county’s median solid income, poverty rate, unemployment rate, prime-age job rate, life expectancy, together with housing vacancy rate.

The bluish counties on the map convey a higher vitality score, acre the yellowish counties convey lower scores. If you lot guide a dry reason on the map you lot tin sentiment the state's vitality score together with compare the state's median solid income, poverty rate, unemployment rate, prime-age job rate, life expectancy, together with housing vacancy charge per unit of measurement to those of the U.S. equally a whole. Once you lot convey selected a dry reason you lot tin guide an private county to compare the county's vitality rating to the ratings of the dry reason equally a whole together with the national ratings.

The 2 prosperous corridors on each coast of the USA tin equally good live on clearly seen on a map from Bloomberg. Bloomberg has mapped where America's richest people live. Using information from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey they convey mapped out the counties which are attracting America's highest earners.

Americans Earning Over $200,000 Are Flocking to These Neighborhoods includes a map showing the concentration of households earning $200,000 or to a greater extent than inwards each county. Bloomberg has equally good mapped the 100 neighborhoods which convey seem the highest growth inwards high earners since 2000.

The census tract which has seen the highest growth of households earning $200,000 is inwards Cook County, Illinois. Four of the transcend 10 census tracts showing an increase inwards high earners are inwards commuting distance of Washington DC. According to Bloomberg inwards about of these areas "around one-half of households earn to a greater extent than than $200,000".

Measure of America has developed the American Human Development Index to mensurate the well-being of Americans inwards a set out of dissimilar areas, including health, education, together with income. You tin explore these well-being scores at the county, dry reason together with congressional district score using the Measure of America interactive map.

Mapping America allows you lot to sentiment choropleth maps visualizing the well-being scores at dissimilar administrative levels. Select i of the private indices from whatever of the dissimilar topic areas together with you lot tin sentiment how counties, states or congressional districts score on that metric. As good equally the choropleth map showing the well-being score inwards every county a bar nautical chart organizes every county inwards the USA from best to worst.

If you lot guide an private county or congressional district on the map an information window opens amongst details on all of the area's well-being scores for each of the private health, didactics together with income indices.