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Human Tech - Iv Alternatives To Powerpoint Presentation

1- Google Presentation

This is my favorite presentation tool. I uncovering it real practical as well as easier to use particularly with students inward the classroom.Google Presentation also provides y'all alongside a shop of non bad templates to select from as well as hence y'all volition ever convey novel backgrounds to use.

2- Prezi

I exercise beloved Prezi. It allows you to exercise non bad an engaging presentations. I piece of occupation it mainly for presentations I exercise for  Master courses.

3- Prezentit

Prezentit is around other cool spider web tool that lets y'all exercise presentations online. It does non demand whatever software installation as well as is real tardily to piece of occupation as well as also offers synchronous collaboration on slides y'all brand alongside friends.

4- HelloSlide

HelloSlide transforms your slides into a rich audiovisual format, recreating the sense of a alive lecture. Simply upload your presentation, type the vox communication for each slide, as well as HelloSlide automagically generates the audio.