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Human Tech - 12 Amazing Videos For Teachers

From philosophy to cognitive science, you lot volition definitely honor something that holds your involvement inward this list. All cheers as well as gratitude goes dorsum to Asapossible Science for their corking efforts as well as fourth dimension they invested inward these videos. Click on whatever championship to lookout the video. Enjoy

1- Which Came First: The Chicken or Egg

2- The Scientific Power of Thought

3- We are All Female

4- Your Brain on Drugs: Alcohol

5- The Science of Morning Wood

6- Why Do We Blush

7- The Science of Lucid Dreaming

8- The Science of Orgasms

9- The Science of Appetite : Beating Overeating

10- The Scientific Power of Music

11- The Scientific Power of Naps

12- The Science of Procrastination