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Human Tech - Elevation Four Tiny Tablets For Teachers

1)     Apple iPad Mini

·         Size: 7.9 inches
·         Price: $329 for a Wi-Fi model
·         GB: 16
·         Overall verdict: The upscale pick inward a crowded market.

2)     Amazon Kindle Fire

·         Size: vii inches
·         Price: $199
·         GB: 16
·         Overall verdict: Doesn’t come upwards about matching the iPad’s, simply it includes apps similar Angry Birds, Facebook, Pinterest, together with Skype.

3)     Google Nexus 7

·         Size: vii inches
·         Price: $199
·         GB: 8
·         Overall verdict: Usable simply non equally pretty equally apps written specifically for the nexus vii together with other slates that run Android software. Still, the value is excellent.

4)     Barnes & Noble Nook HD

·         Size: Not given
·         Price: $199
·         GB: 8
·         Overall verdict: The major produce goodness is dissimilar the Kindle Fire HD, at that spot are no ads on the Nook’s primary covert or covert saver.