Where On Earth?

How good produce y'all know the world? Could y'all approximate the refer of a major urban core purely from its Wikipedia entry as well as demo where it is on a map of the world?
Play this game as well as y'all volition notice out.
WikiWhere is a fun geographical game which is designed to examination how good y'all know the world's major cities as well as where they are located inwards the world. The game asks y'all to pinpoint the place of v major cities on an interactive 3d globe. However earlier y'all approximate the place of each urban core y'all demand to approximate each i purely from its Wikipedia entry. You volition expire points for each response based on how unopen y'all expire to the city's existent place as well as how many hints y'all use.
The game uses the CesiumJS interactive 3d globe library for the background map. The iii hints for each urban core come upwardly from their entries on Wikipedia.