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Putting Sikh Soldiers On The Map

During the First World War over 1 1000000 Indians served overseas. At to the lowest degree 74,187 Indian soldiers gave their lives inwards the war. Although the Sikh population was less than 2% of the full population of British Republic of Republic of India at the fourth dimension of the First World War they made upwards to a greater extent than than 20% of the British Indian Army. The contribution of Sikhs to the First World War is commemorated inwards a novel interactive map.

Soldier Map - Empire, Faith & War maps the records of 8,000 Sikh soldiers who fought inwards the Great War. Most of the information for the map comes from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission’s casualty database, which records the names of the 1.7 1000000 men in addition to women of the Commonwealth forces who died during the First in addition to Second World Wars.

Sikh soldiers are shown on the map at their house of birth. Soldiers whose birthplaces aren't known bring been placed on the map at Republic of Republic of India Gate inwards New Delhi, the British-built memorial to Indian soldiers who died inwards the stream 1914 to 1921. If you lot click on a soldier's mark on the map you lot tin read details virtually where in addition to when they served, where they were born in addition to where they are commemorated. Some soldier's markers may besides incorporate links to a even out page created yesteryear citizen historians who bring discovered to a greater extent than information about  an private soldier's life.

Also See

Mapping the Fallen of World War I